St. Paul's Islands, most well known for the Shipwreck of
the Apostle St.Paul. They are two inter connected Islands, which
are not too small in size, probably around 2km in circumference.
There is a statue of St. Paul on the
larger Island, plus a broken structure, probably an old chapel just next to it.
The Islands are quite barren with salt resistant shrubs covering most of the surface.
There should still be wild rabbits living on the Islands, and a number of lizards, insects
and birds.
If you go during the weekdays you could
be the only visitor on the Islands, especially in the early hours. Just the
fact of being on such an Island is simply fascinating, definitely something worth doing!
The closest point to Malta from the Islands is Selmun, around 300m away,
but Selmun is not easily accesible, and it is quite dangerous to swim the channel as bigger
boats drive by continuosly. The safest way to get to the Islands is by boat from Bugibba.
You can freely land on a small jetty
in between the two Islands on the inner side. Rent a self drive boat and
spend half a day on the Islands, exploring and swimming in the crystal clear
waters around them.The coast around the Islands is quite interesting to explore as there are cliffs and small caves.
Be careful to venture on the outer side of the Islands though as the sea can be quite rough if its windy. There are no sandy beaches,
but swimming from the rocks can be as much fun!
I remember my Grand Father telling me stories that once a Baron owned the Islands
and he used to breed rabbits for his own hunting purposes. But apparently there
was a time when a disease hit the rabbits and most of them died out.
Let me know if you see any!